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Lamborghini China Giro 2017

Lamborghini China Giro 2017

The Lamborghini Aventador and Huracán met the Chinese culture in our trip, dubbed China Giro, that set out from Lanzhou towards locations like Kumbum Monastery, Yellow River, Ashe Tribute National Geopark and Qinghai Lake.

MEMBER HIGHLIGHT: TeamSalamone, Another Aventador Purchase and Undying Lust for Life

MEMBER HIGHLIGHT: TeamSalamone, Another Aventador Purchase and Undying Lust for Life

By Bryan Salamonei ///// Photos by Jeff Ahearn, Sid Bengeloun, Chris Cinelli, Innocenzo Ciorra, & Feris Fetyani TEAMSALAMONE Created in 2008 for charitable purposes, including running rallies and long-distance driving events, TeamSalamone consists of myself, Bryan L. Salamone, Esq., and Divina DelaCruz. Our team has a lust for life that is unmatched by most others. … Continued