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Lamborghini Club America Fireside Chat with Alfonso Zaza

Lamborghini Club America Fireside Chat with Alfonso Zaza

Lamborghini Club America first Fireside Video chat series. Adversity brings the opportunity for us all to band together and push forward. Since we’re all staying indoors, not participating in group drives, or car events, we created a new video series where we connect with the Lamborghini community through personal interviews and authentic storytelling. Our goal … Continued

2015 Lamborghini Festival

2015 Lamborghini Festival

It is no secret that the Lamborghini Festival is becoming one of the most exciting events for Lamborghini owners and enthusiasts across the nation. This year’s celebration exceeded all expectations set by long-time participants and new participants alike. Founders Jorge Verdejo and Alfonso Zaza of Scuderia (scuderiasociety.com) have seen their dream grow into an amazing … Continued